Saturday, August 31, 2024

Hide those fasteners for a cleaner installation

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Friday, August 30, 2024

How logo design can help redefine your business

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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

What’s it cost to produce graphics for this illuminated sign?

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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Design & Price: 3-by-10-ft. printed banner

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Monday, August 26, 2024

How To Design A Concrete Monument

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How To Design A Concrete Monument. A monument is defined as an expression of something significant, often built in honor of someone or something. Some examples include memorials like the Statue of Liberty or the Taj Mahal, or monuments such as The Gateway at Michigan and Lake Shore Drive in Chicago, or even the Willis Tower (the name of your office tower).

Usually these types of monuments are designed by professionals with special training in architecture or sculpture. But anyone can design a great monument!

Here we will discuss some fundamental concepts for designing a concrete monument that speaks well about its intended subject. Then, we will put those ideas into practice using our own backyard as a setting.

We’ll also look at some recipes for mixing and pouring your own cement so you don’t have to depend on supply seasonality or availability of specific additives to make sure it sets correctly.

To keep this article brief, we will only cover powder/liquid ratio, water content, and dry time of the mix. More advanced tips such as chemical reactions and alkali-silica reaction (ASR) can be found elsewhere.

Make a plan based on the size of the monument

how to design a concrete monument

The length of your monument is an important factor in choosing which shapes you want to include it in. If the monument is shorter than one foot, then simple geometrical shapes like squares and triangles are okay.

If the monument is two feet long, then use circle or square silhouettes.

For a three-foot monument, use triangle, rectangle, or rounded box shapes.

How To Design A Concrete Monument. The longer the monument, the more complicated the design patterns become. You will have to think about how to best organize all the pieces into something that looks great.

There are many ways to do this, but the most popular is called the pyramid shape. This consists of two parallel lines with a third line coming down between them. This creates a peaked roof look, similar to those old Egyptian temples.

How to make the cement: To make concrete, mix together 2 parts portland cement powder, 1 part sand, and 3–4 parts water. Use a ratio of 5:1:2 (parts Portland cement:sand:water) by volume.

This way when the mixture dries, there is enough solid material left over to strengthen the mortar.

Make a plan based on the theme of the monument

how to design a concrete monument

The second part of designing a concrete monument is choosing your style, shape, and material. These three components are linked, so make sure you understand their relation before moving onto the next one.

The basic form of most monuments is that of a pillar or column. This can be an informal stick-like structure like the Statue of Liberty’s torch, or a more elaborate design such as the Washington Monument’s square base.

Monuments typically have some sort of decoration attached to them, which goes with the theme of the monument. For example, the Eiffel Tower has a circle made out of thin plates of metal called “trefoils.” This symbolizes friendship because each trefoil represents two people coming together under a third person (in this case, the tower).

However, there are many different styles you could use to decorate a pillar. You do not need to use tigertooth designs for the Wyoming Monument! Some popular types include using large flat shapes to cover the top of the pillar, creating a surface; shades of grey, white, and black are all classic ways to do this.

What about the material? That depends on the context of the monument and the symbolism it wants to convey. If the goal is to emphasize strength, then use solid materials such as granite or marble. Or if the monument makes you feel peaceful, use soft metals or ceramics.

Choose a location for the monument

how to design a concrete monument

As with any project, where you place your monument makes a difference in how it looks. If the placement of the monument is not appropriate, then it can be difficult to appreciate it. For example, if the monument is placed next to something else that takes away from its appearance or it does not give you enough space to admire it, then it becomes less striking.

You want to make sure that there are no other objects between the monument and the audience that will affect the way it looks. Sometimes this can mean placing the monument behind an object so that it comes out later.

Another option would be to have the monument as part of another design element – like the wall it’s attached to. Or perhaps having it as a feature of the roof or floor-top.

When deciding where to position the monument try to choose a site that allows people to fully see it. Also consider whether this choice reflects the intended message of the monument.

Do some research on the history of the location

how to design a concrete monument

It is very important to know where you will be placing your monument before picking it up or ordering it. You want to make sure that you are designing it for the right place and for the right reason!

If there is already an existing memorial at the site, then using pictures and information off of that memorial as inspiration can be helpful.

You do not have to use all of the same colors and styles, but looking into how other monuments look can help give yours more depth and significance.

History is extremely valuable when choosing what kind of monument to design. There may be records and notes about who survived the event that inspired the monument, or if there was a funeral service.

There may also be documents and stories from those affected by the event. Finding out why this location is significant can tell you a lot about the monument’s purpose.

Pay attention to local regulations

how to design a concrete monument

As we have seen, there are many ways to design a monument that make it look beautiful, but which may also damage or even destroy its surroundings. Due to this, you should be aware of your local regulations so that you do not violate any rules.

Some examples of these include limitations in terms of height, regulation of noise, and restrictions on what kind of materials can be used. If these things get too out of control, then the designer could face penalty fees as well!

Designing a monument takes time, and it is important to be familiar with all the laws related to monuments.

Contact the local government

how to design a concrete monument

The second step in designing your monument is contacting your local city or county officials to see if there are any regulations that apply to you. This includes whether you need a permit, what kind of permits you may need, and when those permits can be issued.

It’s also important to know where you can build your monument so that you don’t violate the zoning laws or go up against national park land. Some municipalities will even require you to notify them at least seven days before you begin construction!

While it sounds tedious, this process is very worth it as you want to make sure everything goes smoothly for you and yours. Plus, most governments offer a design service or license free of charge to get started.

General tips:- Make sure to do your research first by looking into your municipality’s website, talking with locals, and reading through their documents. – Don’t forget to include all necessary contacts and links in your documentation.

Get permission to build the monument

how to design a concrete monument

When designing a concrete monument, your first step will be to gain permission to construct it. This can sometimes be tricky as not every area of the city allows monuments!

Fortunately, there are some easy ways to design and create a monument that does not require official permissions. For example, you could make an announcement board or billboard-style monument with very bold colors and type styles.

Alternatively, you could put up a large plastic sheet or canopy over a street for cars to protect people from wet pavement. If this is allowed, then you could cover the whole car in decorations to match the surrounding buildings.

These types of designs are totally fine, but most likely will need permission. Make sure to do your research and check if permits are needed before starting construction.

General rules about monuments

There are general guidelines when designing a monument. These include things like having the proper permit, keeping it clean, and staying within regulation widths and heights.

Build the monument

how to design a concrete monument

The next step in designing your memorial is deciding where it will go! You can choose from different types of monuments, depending on what you want to say and who you want to honor with it.

You do not have to limit yourself to traditional options like urns or statues, there are many other ways to design and create a meaningful tribute.

These new designs can be designed to tell stories, emphasize symbolism, or even make you laugh – just remember to include essential components such as the name and death date of the person being honored and how to refer to them (first name, last name, title).

After choosing the appropriate location for your monument, you will need to determine if the space needs to be public or private property. If it is on private land then you will need permission from the owner which may be difficult to get since most people don’t use these types of monuments very often.

If you find that this is too much of an obstacle then you can always look into creating a non-profit organization to help pay for the cost of the monument. This way anyone can contribute and it does not require private property so you do not have to worry about getting permission.

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

How Much Do Monument Signs Cost

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The cost to put up or take down a monument sign is dependent on two main factors- how much text you have and whether it’s in your town or outside of yours.

Monument signs that are not in your hometown can be done for free if someone else does it for their community, but still feel welcome to contribute. This is very common at county fairs where people add their own personal touch to the event.

In terms of costs, extra materials like plastic sheeting and tape will run you around $10 each, while buying new signage stock goes way beyond that!

Text banners and floor graphics typically cost between $100-$500 per word. A good rule of thumb is to buy enough material to last one event only. Buying online may even offer discount codes or coupons, check before you purchase!

This article will go into more detail about both types of monument signs and what sizes they are allowed in.

It depends on the size of the sign, how many words are on it, and what the sign tells you

There is no standard way to price monument signs because each business defines “monument” differently. Some define monuments as buildings or structures that stand out from the area around them, while others use landmarks such as street names to make their mark.

Businesses typically find these monument prices online or through word-of-mouth. They may also have discount coupons for monument purchases, which can help in passing onto cost savings.

Monument signs can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $50,000

how much do monument signs cost

Monument signage is an integral part of any monument’s marketing strategy. It helps promote the monuments historic significance while also helping to draw in visitors.

Many state parks do not have enough funding to advertise their attractions so they hire professional companies to design and produce monument sign graphics.

Monument organizations like The National Park Service (NPS) or State Historic Preservation Programs (SHPP) usually contract out monument sign production due to time constraints and lack of funding.

These outside vendors then add markup to cover their costs which may include the artist’s salary, business fees, materials used for production, shipping and transportation, etc. This article will talk about some expensive monument signs and how much money was wasted because of them!

Format: First paragraph, bullet point, second paragraph

The first monument that I want to tell you about are the Statue Of Liberty and Chrysler Museum Crawfish Boil Invitation Cards.

Not only are these invitation cards expensive ($250+ per card), but there are several versions of each one!

There is even a version without the word “invitation” which makes it more difficult to determine if someone received a free meal or not.

I know this seems ridiculous, but it happens all the time.

It would be great if everyone had access to such beautiful artwork, but unfortunately this isn’t the case.

You also need to consider the location of the monument and how far it is from where you are placing the sign

how much do monument signs cost

Location is very important when choosing your site for your memorial sign. You do not want to have to walk too long to get there or spend money to find out that there is no space next to the road for yours.

Some monuments will allow you to rent a space, but the cost will be much higher

how much do monument signs cost

Many historical sites have an online or mobile-friendly website where they list all of their markers, including costs for renting a sign.

Many also offer discounts if you are a member of the site’s followers, or if you visit frequently.

Some even let you add your own decoration touches like flowers or flags! It is important to check out these sites before buying a marker so that you know what products they accept and how expensive they are to purchase.

General monument signs can run you around $100 per year at most sites, but a license plate frame plus plaque can easily double in price. More elaborate decorations such as statues or sculptures can easily push the price up more than twice that amount.

You also need to consider how long you would like to own the sign

how much do monument signs cost

The price of your monument can vary greatly depending on if you are buying or selling, what kind of signs you want, and whether it is for business or personal use.

It’s very common to see beautiful monuments along busy roads, but most people don’t know exactly where all that money goes- land, lawyer fees, design costs, etc. As well as paying for the monument itself, there are additional legal fees in owning a lot.

Some monuments will allow you to own the sign, but the cost to own the sign will be high

how much do monument signs cost

Many state parks have a park service organization that oversees fundraising for monument signs. These groups are typically made up of members who volunteer their time to raise money for markers.

They create a campaign specific for each monument they want to promote, then search for sponsors or donors to help them reach their goal.

Some may even ask for donations at events like festivals or car shows held near the area where the monument is located.

State governments also offer grants to organizations that are looking to purchase a monument sign.

Some monuments will allow you to rent a space and own the sign

how much do monument signs cost

For example, let’s say that your business is related to horses. You can go into any horse farm and ask them how much their signs cost per month or yearly. Many farms offer monthly rental services for up to five years so it is very common.

Most farmers will also include major down payments when buying these sites. This way, they are guaranteed of getting out of the contract with no worries. It is best to do some research and see what people have to say about this topic before going in full force.

There are many ways to source a monument site including contacting local tourism boards, looking online, talking to friends, etc.

Some monuments will allow you to rent a space and not own the sign

how much do monument signs cost

Many national landmarks have a sponsors program through their marketing team or design firm that allows you to create your own monument signage. This way, you do not need to purchase expensive property rights for your business name or logo!

Many companies of this type will charge around $100 per month for rental fees and a user account that can be accessed from anywhere.

This is very helpful as you are able to access your device without being in front of a computer, and it does not cost extra money to use since you are using a company’s service.

The company that offers this service will usually ask you some questions about your business and what kind of messages you want to put up so they can find appropriate locations for you to advertise at.

These sites remain active and updated yearly so even if you decide to go another route later, there is no need to worry about going out of business or changing your mind.

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Saturday, August 24, 2024

Monument Signs For Neighborhoods Or Hoa

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As more people live in urban areas, there is a growing need to find ways to connect with your neighbors.

That’s why some municipalities are creating what they call “monument signs.” These are decorative street signs that tell stories about the area or event taking place around it.

The signs usually have pictures or designs representing things such as businesses, landmarks, events, etc. That way people can compare them and get additional information.

Some monument signage goes beyond just giving basic details though-it can be fun and interesting! For example, one California town put up a sign celebrating its high school football team.

It included inspiring quotes, logos, and even a picture of the student body all gathered together before the game. This inspired many students who heard about it and attended the game using the artwork as a motivation tool.

Chinese characters monument

monument signs for neighborhoods or hoa

A Chinese character monument is characterized by its elaborate style and rich symbolism. They are also known as lingtyng, which means “to inscribe” in English.

A Chinese character monument typically includes two parts: a plaque that has the Chinese calligraphy and an additional sign or emblem attached to it. These additions usually refer to something significant about the person who commissioned the memorial or their family.

Chinese character monuments are very popular due to their beauty and versatility. There are many types of monuments, but they all share similar qualities — like the uniqueness of each individual piece. Only one example can be just like another, making them good works of art.

Something important to note – though these markers are beautiful, they are not necessarily appropriate for educational settings or places where children play. The signs you choose should be suitable for young people, and they need to use proper grammar.

They should also be neutral, with no religious connotations. This way, even if someone does not know the meaning of the character, they will still understand the message being sent.

War memorials

monument signs for neighborhoods or hoa

Another type of monument sign is something called a war memorial. These are monuments dedicated to individuals or groups who have done incredible things, not just because they succeeded in their field but also due to how selfless they were.

People often talk about heroes and refer to them as “heroes”. A hero is someone that does extraordinary things beyond the normal call of duty. People sometimes get inspired by these heroes and try to copy what makes them special.

A good example of this is when people speak of Mother Teresa. Many people say that her work was miraculous and she did amazing things with little money. Others may be inspired by her kindness and strive to be like her.

War memorials are similar. They recognize brave acts that people performed during a war. For instance, there could be a monument dedicated to an individual who saved many lives by performing some action at great risk to themselves.

Stars on the street

monument signs for neighborhoods or hoa

Another way to add some interest to your street is by putting up some kind of monument. This can be something like a statue, flag pole, fountain, or even just a big rock!

Monument signs are very popular in urban environments. They help give your neighborhood a sense of community, pride, and self-respect. It also creates an attraction to come outside and spend time together as friends.

It’s easy to put up these monuments so don’t worry about cost. All you need to do is find someone with a truck that loves nature who will contribute it to make people happy.

Statues are great because they usually don’t require too much effort to maintain and can bring in good money being photographed and shared on social media. A small local business could easily have their work been seen by many people which is what really matters.

Plastic flowers

monument signs for neighborhoods or hoa

Another very popular neighborhood sign style is using plastic flower shapes to create your design. These are typically made out of vinyl that can be painted over and re-styled many times.

Some brands will even add writing to the signs which you can then stick onto the fence as shown here!

These types of fences are great because you can easily take them down and put them in another area, or buy new ones if you move or remodel the home.”

This type of fence is perfect if you are looking to give your front yard an upgrade but do not have much money to spend. Many people also use these types of decorations at housewarmings or fundraisers to get some extra donations.

Street art

monument signs for neighborhoods or hoa

A street artist is someone who paints, sketches, or otherwise designs on public property – most commonly on roads, bridges, and buildings. Artists use different mediums to express their creativity including spray paint, markers, crayons, and pen and ink.

Street artists are usually self-taught and learn by experimenting with materials and styles. They may also have formal training in painting but not in incorporating other artistic elements like graffiti lines or patterns.

Graffiti writers often design their tags (the word or phrase for what people see written under the artist’s signature) using rhyming slang or poetry so they seem more professional. Non-graffiti trained artists can be creative about how to include poetic touches in their artwork.

Some famous street artists include Shepard Fairey, Jean Michel Basquait, Kenny Uchida, and Banksy. All of these artists had to go through an audition process before being allowed to create work on public spaces. Now many of them are very wealthy!

There are several reasons why becoming a street artist is great career choice. First, street artists get to express themselves creatively without having to answer to anyone else. Second, it is a way to make some money doing something that you love to do. And third, there are lots of ways to contribute to the community as a street artist. You can promote your favorite charities, help maintain safe environments for others, and increase tourism by designing beautiful landscapes or interesting characters.

Letters on the wall

monument signs for neighborhoods or hoa

Another way to add monument signs to your home’s landscaping is by putting up some letter tiles. These are like big, painted letters that you can place in different areas of your yard or house to make easy additions to your signature.

Letter tiles usually have an interior frame made out of wood or metal, with the letter itself being painted either serenely natural or boldly patterned.

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Friday, August 23, 2024

Monument Sign Examples

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A monument sign is one of the most recognizable types of business logos. They typically feature an emblem or logo with some type of text below it that describes the business or product.

The monument style was first popularized in the 19th century, when large companies would put their company name and brand next to a building or statue as a way to emphasize just how important they were.

Today, you can find this style used by lots of different businesses across all industries. It’s definitely not something that should be ignored!

There are many ways to use monument signs in your business marketing. Some of the more common uses include: branding, advertising, promotional materials and even website banners.

But before we get into those applications, let’s take a look at some examples!

Examples of monument style logos

You probably have seen a few of these around already – they’re pretty easy to recognize once you see them! Almost every major city has at least one business with a monument style logo.

Some people may refer to them as “typical American” logos, but there are actually several versions of this design. The only thing that really varies is the length of the word under the logo.

Here are some example logos from various businesses. Can you tell which ones belong to traditional monuments?

Businesses using this style for marketing

These businesses use this style for marketing purposes.

These are some famous monuments with their corresponding monument signs

monument sign examples

Many people recognize these landmarks from pictures or through stories, but few know what each sign means. Some of these signs have no special meaning, while others describe something important about the landmark or the area.

Some examples include the Eiffel Tower monument sign which describes an interesting feature of the tower, the Afterelle hand which celebrates the work of art in the background, and the VIVA flag which honors the name of the business it represents!

It is very important to understand your car’s monument sign so you do not accidentally run into another vehicle during a traffic incident or worse yet hit someone.

The first step towards understanding your car’s monument sign is by making sure that you are totally familiar with the make and model of your car.

These are some examples of monument signs

monument sign examples

Most professional signage is designed to draw attention to something or someone, but they’re also effective at drawing focus away from things, people, and concepts.

This is called counter-signaling.

Counter-signals work because they challenge our assumptions about how things should be done, and sometimes we need a reminder that this situation isn’t ideal.

It can call into question what we know to be true, and inspire us to do something new.

Examples of counter-signals include “THIS IS A GUN!” and “DO NOT ENTER!”

Monument signs create a sense of urgency by emphasizing deadlines, warnings, and alerts. They often use bold fonts and graphics to emphasize important messages, and in doing so, influence others around them.

Most importantly, they let other individuals know there’s a serious matter being discussed, and it’s best to pay close attention.

Top 10 famous monuments in the world

monument sign examples

Many consider The Parthenon in Greece to be one of the greatest buildings ever constructed, with its elaborate sculpted decorations and rich symbolism. It is also known for its use of marble, which was imported from all over Europe and North America.

The statue that stands at the center of this monument is of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom. She holds up her shield, decorated with lions, a symbol of courage and strength. Surrounding her are several other figures representing different virtues such as justice, generosity, wisdom and self-control.

This is just one example of many statues within the building. There are more than 250 sculptures total!

Reminder: don’t write too much under these bullets! Add enough detail but no longer than two paragraphs.

Top 10 monuments in the US

monument sign examples

America boasts some of the most iconic landmarks in the world, with their spectacular displays to match. These wonders have made them famous and attracted attention from all over the globe.

Many of these sites are well-known, while others remain underappreciated gems. They’ve got something special that makes people go crazy about them!

Some are beautiful or interesting because they’re designed to be seen clearly from afar, making them recognizable flags for their countries. Others are so unique or powerful that they’ve inspired awe among those who experience them.

In this article, we’ll take a look at our top ten favorite monument signs in the United States.

Top 10 monuments in France

monument sign examples

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most famous tourist attractions in the world, and it’s easy to see why! It took over 100 years to build and now boasts more than 6 million visitors every year.

But what many people don’t realize is that the tower was never completed. A small section at the top was opened for business in 1889, but the rest of the structure has been under construction ever since.

It’s an interesting story because not only does it show you how stubborn some engineers can be, it also raises questions about project deadlines and budget constraints.

Sadly, the same thing happened with another well-known monument here in America – the Statue of Liberty!

The torch wasn’t finished until almost a decade after she arrived in New York Harbor, making her light up for ten long years before being put out permanently back in 1981. And even then, parts needed constant maintenance to keep working properly.

Top 10 monuments in Italy

monument sign examples

Many people have gathered around these monuments to admire them, take pictures of them, or simply spend hours looking at them. They are not only beautiful to look at, but also bring inspiration to those who look at them.

Many Italian cities feature some sort of monument that stands out and is known by most tourists. These types of monuments are great for inspiring others to create their own art and inspire themselves to learn more about architecture.

These monuments typically go beyond just having an impressive shape, but also use clever design techniques to draw attention. In this article we will discuss our top ten favorite monument designs in Italy!

If you’d like to see any of these monuments in person, or if you’d like to study up on some architectural styles, then make sure to check out some online resources here:

Top 10 monuments in Germany

monument sign examples

The term ‘monument’ is typically associated with statues, memorials or markers that commemorate someone or something. But what about signs? What are they called when you make them to promote your business or product?

A monument sign is an excellent way to get attention for your business or organization. They can be used at eye-catching street locations, under car roofs or even as a window display!

Here we will go through some example monument signage in Germany and explain why they are effective. Then, we will discuss some tips for designing your own monument signs.

Monument signs usually feature bold colors and interesting fonts. This grabs people’s attention and helps set it apart from the rest. Some examples of this include showing off products or offering coupons.

Many businesses use monument signs as part of their marketing strategy since they are such powerful tools.

Top 10 monuments in China

monument sign examples

As we continue to explore monument styles, we will look at some of our favorite monuments made in China. These designs are unique and interesting, which is why they have become popular around the world!

Many people recognize these monuments for their beautiful sculptures or artistic motifs but what makes them special is the setting that surrounds them. They make lush green surroundings with nature as the backdrop, showcasing the beauty that grows naturally.

These types of settings emphasize cultural connection. By looking closer at how Chinese culture evolved, you can learn more about its history and legacy. With every new discovery, your understanding of the country’s past comes together better.

Here we will take a close look at our top ten favorites by number. Check out all of the amazing details used in each design and see if you can identify anything familiar from the surrounding area.

1) The Dragon Head Temple

Location: Pingcheng County, Guangxi Province, China

Monument style: Buddhist sculpture

What makes it cool: This temple looks like an elongated dragon head with two horns sticking up. It also features large windows and doors where you can get incredible views of the countryside.

The tall roofs resemble those of pagodas, making this structure seem even taller. When viewed from far away, you cannot help but be impressed by how beautifully designed this place is.

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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Samples Of Electrical Signs Detail Drawings

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While not every business needs to have its own electrical sign, it is always helpful to know how to design yours! Creating your own signage can be fun and educational, especially if you are looking to improve your hand-drawing skills or just want to create something unique.

There are many ways to learn how to draw electric signs, but one of the most effective methods is by studying examples. Looking at lots of different designs will help you develop your eye for color and pattern as well as learn some basic rules about letter form and placement.

This article contains several example drawings that show various styles of electrical signage with detailed descriptions.

Examples of circuit breakers

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

Circuit breakers are one of the most important parts of any electrical system. They serve to protect your home or business by shutting off power when there is an unexpected outage.

A basic switch does not use much energy, but a more advanced circuit breaker can save you money in electricity bills!

Circuit breakers work by having movable contacts that separate into two different positions. In the first position, the contact does not connect to the other side so no power gets transferred.

In the second position, part of the connection is still made, but not all of it which cuts down on current flow. Only enough current flows to make the device working, but enough for what it needs to be.

The devices trip or turn off at the very last minute before being used due to these contacts becoming too hot to touch. This is why they are called thermal cut-off switches.

Examples of fuse panels

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

Fuse panel or breaker panel, as it is more commonly known, comes in several sizes depending on what kind of electrical equipment you have.

Most large buildings will contain an adequate amount of space for wall breakers to go into place. These are typically placed at the end of a circuit away from where the device being protected lives.

For example, if there’s a power tool plugged into a supply line that has a shorted wire, a breaker can be used to cut off the electricity before it reaches the tool. A fuse does not work well when it gets hot because that would damage the fuse itself.

A good number of breaks per board length equals better performance in terms of current flow.

Examples of switch panels

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

Switching or toggle panel layouts are another way to organize switches in your home. These panels typically have several switches that can be grouped together depending on what function they perform- for example, one switch may turn off all lights in a room, while another turns off only a few lamps.

The most common type of switching is called parallel circuit control. In this case, each switch performs separate functions but not individually- for instance, both switches must be pressed for the light to work. By having two switches in a row, you get an additional safety feature in which if either switch is touched, the light will still work!

These types of panels require more advanced electrical knowledge as well as being able to match the appropriate parts (panels, switches, etc.).

Examples of electrical panels

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

The next two pictures show an example of a basic switch setup. These are called switches, but they are not very practical nor useful in homes.

The first thing to note about this panel is that it does not have any cover markings or labels. This makes it hard for you to tell what each part of the circuit does!

Also notice there are no protective covers over any parts of the circuits. If something was accidentally touched, then disease could potentially be spread due to exposure to dirty electricity.

Examples of wiring diagrams

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

Wiring diagram or electrical schematic is an important tool to know when working with electricity. They are very helpful in understanding how different circuits work, and what components go into them.

Mostly used for educational purposes, these drawings show all of the parts of a circuit as well as which wires connect to each part. The professionals who make these tools have lots of tricks up their sleeves to make it easy to identify connected components.

These tools help you learn more about electronics by looking at the individual parts of a device. For example, if you want to understand why your cell phone will not turn on, you can look at the wiring diagram to see where the power comes from and goes.

Examples of circuit diagrams

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

Circuit diagrams are one of the most important parts of electrical engineering. They help us make sense of how electricity moves around our devices.

By illustrating the flow of electrons, we can determine what components do to contribute to this flow and how much they influence it.

Circuit diagrams typically include five major elements: voltage source, resistance element (or channel), capacitor, switch, and current sensor or terminal.

The voltage source is commonly referred to as a power supply and produces a constant direct current (DC) level that must be connected to another component.

A resistance element uses up some of the electric charge by absorbing some of the current flowing through it, creating an opposing force in the opposite direction. A resistor takes away less energy from the power source than a channel does, so it acts like a limiting factor for the amount of current that can flow.

A capacitor stores electro-magnetic charges in its plates, giving off little to no current until it is charged. Once it gets enough charge, it gives off a powerful current.

A switching device either connects or disconnects two channels of current together. For example, if there’s a channel between a battery and a lightbulb, you could turn the bulb on with a button, but if the power runs out, it would still remain dark because there is not enough juice left to turn it on.

Examples of switch diagrams

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

Switching power using switches is one of the most fundamental electrical concepts that many people learn in high school or even earlier. A switch comes in either a toggle, contact, or push-button style. It goes into the off position not connected to any circuit, and once put onto a circuit it must be able to connect to both terminals of the device it controls.

The two most common types are dry-contact and wet-contact switches. With a dry-contact switch, when you turn the knob or pull the handle away from the other side of the switch, there is no connection. You have to add moisture (dirt, saliva) to create a conductive bridge and activate the switch.

With a wet-contact switch, as it name implies, you need to apply some liquid to make the connections. This is usually done with your finger or by using a lollipop stick or toothpick.

Both types of switches work well if used properly but can become frustrating for beginners because they may accidentally use the switch in an off position or remove the needed element too quickly.

Examples of fuse diagrams

samples of electrical signs detail drawings

Fuse diagrams are one of the most important electrical components you will learn as an electronics technician. They describe how electricity is transferred in your home or workplace via power sources such as sockets, switches, and circuits.

Power comes from two main sources: direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC). DC power is typically supplied by wall outlets that use batteries to store energy. AC power is what makes appliances work, like those connected to a house socket.

Most homes have at least one lamp that uses light bulbs which contain small amounts of DC current. These types of bulb use a little bit of power but they remain idle for long periods of time so they do not need to be included in the fuse diagram with very low priority.

Switches used for lighting or equipment functions usually rely only on AC power and thus have a higher risk of burn-out if left unchecked. Because these devices can take power away immediately, their corresponding fuses tend to be more reliable than lamps.

Electrical engineers design fuse diagrams to make sure that any device can never short out completely due to run down capacitance or lack of charge. This happens when there is no connection between the electrons and the metal parts of the device, creating an infinite resistance. A normal person would probably say this sounds scary!

Luckily, professional technicians develop mathematical equations to deal with all possible scenarios, making sure every part of the circuit works properly.

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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

How Much Do Electronic Street Signs Cost

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All too often, politicians will claim that they want to do something but lack the resources to make it happen. It is very common for them to say that they are trying to spend less money by doing things themselves or using public resources, but never actually follow through with these promises.

This is not only annoying for voters, but also worrisome as we can’t expect any big changes if their spending habits stay the same.

If you ever feel like someone doesn’t have enough money for an idea, try to understand where their finances go every month. You may be able to help them find the resources they need.

It’s all about being aware of how your money is spent and finding ways to save some cash. If necessary, ask if there are more affordable alternatives to what you’re planning to buy or look into getting a discount.

In this article, I’ll talk about one of those ideas — how much does it cost to install an electronic street sign? Luckily, the price has dropped quite a bit in recent years.

Factors that affect the cost include materials, design, and the location

how much do electronic street signs cost

The total cost of an electronic street sign typically includes the material used to make it, its design, and how many signs there are. Materials like copper wiring, LCD screens, or LED lights all add up as does having a professional designer create your new signage system.

The final price also depends on where you live and whether you want your new sign to be viewable from outside your home or not. If it is for public use, then taxes should be included too!

Overall, the costs can easily sum up to more than $1,000 depending on the size and style of sign you choose. But this doesn’t mean you have to spend the money if you don’t have it! Many sources give discounts online so do some research before buying.

The cost can vary greatly

how much do electronic street signs cost

First, you have to consider what kind of sign you want to buy. There are two main types – standard street signs and custom street signage.

Standard street signs are very basic and usually do not require too much work or technology expertise to make them function properly. These typically do not contain any pictures or logos designed specifically for your city.

Custom street signs are one-of-a-kind signs that use your town’s logo or picture in some way. This could be by adding it as text under an existing phrase, changing the color of the sign, or creating a new picture or design element using computer software and graphics programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, or Inkscape.

There is no hard and fast rule about how expensive electronic street signs are. They differ slightly depending on who makes them and why they are priced differently. However, we may be able to give you some tips on how to save money!

Disclaimer: Like with anything else we review, there are cases where these products are overpriced so please exercise caution before buying them. We will try our best to pick instances where the price is definitely within reason though.

Some cities charge a sign maintenance fee

how much do electronic street signs cost

More expensive than you might think! Most city officials require an annual street signs inspection to make sure your business is properly identified. This includes checking to see if any letters or numbers are missing, whether the font is correct, and if the text is spelled correctly.

If there’s broken glass underneath the face of the sign, that needs to be replaced too! All of these things cost money.

Fortunately, most municipalities offer very low-cost options such as having one employee do all of the inspections or even outsourcing it to someone else. They may also waive the signage fees for small businesses, so they can budget more easily.

However, larger corporations probably won’t enjoy this luxury unless you’re rich.

Some cities charge for replacing signs

how much do electronic street signs cost

Changing your street sign typically costs around $100-150, depending on the size of the sign you are changing. If the current signage is not in good condition or no longer matches the design theme, buying a new one can be expensive!

Some municipalities will also ask you to pay an installation fee, which usually ranges from $200-$500. This includes the cost of hauling away old materials such as markers, plastic sheeting, and pieces of broken glass that may have been left behind during the removal process.

Electronic messages often times do not last very long before they break down, so if yours are starting to fail, try looking into getting a new one while it’s still working. It might be cheaper than having to buy a new one later on.

Some cities offer interest-free loans

how much do electronic street signs cost

Many municipalities give away or pay for electronic street signs that do not require payment until they are replaced. More than half of all state highways and some city roads qualify for this!

Some examples of free signage include: Exit numbers, entrance ramps, frontage road signs, backroad exit signs and even underpasses where you need direction before exiting onto a highway.

These free signs can be installed by certified technicians so it is best to find out if your town offers such grants before investing in new equipment.

Some cities offer subsidy programs

how much do electronic street signs cost

Many municipalities offer subsidies to promote eco-friendly modes of transportation. By lowering the cost of transit, these subsidies help individuals give up less expensive cars and use public transport instead.

Studies have shown that by using active means of transportation like walking or biking, you will save money in health costs and environmental fees later. These fees include those for air quality, noise pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions.

By giving up your car, you lower your personal carbon footprint, which has an effect on the environment. This also lowers your consumption of oil, which is fuel for most forms of transportation.

It is important to note that although it may seem obvious, not everyone uses their vehicle for work every day.

Popular signs can be expensive

how much do electronic street signs cost

A lot of people have hobbies that they enjoy to name sign designs or see interesting shapes and colors. Companies take advantage of these designers’ inspiration by copying it and making it their own.

Electronic street signage is no different! Some companies will make very similar looking signs for you, with little to no explanation as to why theirs looks better than yours.

It is totally okay to use electronic street signage as a style inspiration but there are ways to go about doing it so that you do not waste money.

Here are some tips for designing your own electronic street signs without using too many copyright infringing fonts or pictures.

Disclaimer: The content in this article should not be used as direct design advice because we cannot ensure none of these styles have been copyrighted. We recommend staying within the bounds of allowed materials to avoid any legal troubles.

Typography is an integral part of most logos and advertisements, which makes it easy to steal for other uses. Make sure to check out our article on how to create your own typographic logo before moving onto other things.

This article will focus more on how much electronics cost and what types of components must be included to create your own electronic street signs. We will also talk about where to get cheap electronics parts to complete the project.

Popular signs include digital displays

how much do electronic street signs cost

Most municipalities hire professional sign companies to design, install, and maintain their street signage. These professionals are very familiar with all of the ins and outs of designing great street signs!

The cost for installing your new city logo is typically broken down into three parts: permit fees, installation costs, and maintenance costs. The permit fee covers what we refer to as “sticker licensing”, which is the official license plate that goes on top of the vehicle where the sign is mounted.

Sticker licensing usually ranges from 100-250 dollars depending on the state you live in and whether or not there is already a license plate attached to the car. This price also includes up to one year of legal protection for the manufacturer and the business name. Some states do require you to purchase additional liability insurance as well.

Installation costs vary slightly per town but overall they run about $1,000 – $2,500. This can be due to the size of the surface area the sign will cover, if it needs electrical wiring or power source placement, and how many people are assigned to take care of the sign during the day to night shift changes.

Maintenance costs depend on the person who does the work and what kind of warranty coverage each company offers. However, our average is around 70 cents per hour to keep the sign working properly.

Overall, most towns spend around 400 dollars to have an excellent looking street sign installed and maintained by trained professionals.

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Tips for Creating a High-Quality Sign in the United States

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Tips for Creating a High-Quality Sign in the United States

So you want to make a killer sign in the US, huh? Well, you’re in luck because we’ve got some tips to help you create a high-quality, snazzy, and effective sign. But, How much does it cost to get a sign made in the united states? You can visit our website to know. Here’s what you need to know:

Material matters: Don’t just grab any old thing and call it a day – choose your materials wisely. Aluminum, PVC, and acrylic are all solid options, each with pros and cons. Aluminum is lightweight and sturdy, perfect for outdoor signs that withstand the elements. PVC is a durable synthetic plastic that can also hold up well outdoors. And if you’re looking for something a little more elegant, acrylic is a clear, glass-like plastic perfect for indoor signs.

Design is key: A sign is only as good as its design, so make sure yours is on point. Please keep it simple, legible, and easy to read from afar. And remember the color scheme and font – these elements can make or break a sign.

Printing perfection: Don’t skimp on quality if you’re printing your sign. Opt for screen printing, digital printing, or vinyl printing to ensure your sign looks professional and lasts a long time.

Mount with care: Proper mounting is crucial to keeping your sign in place and free from damage. Use the right mounting hardware and techniques for your specific sign, whether hanging, standing, or mounted on a wall or other surface.

Follow the rules: Different states and cities have signs and regulations, so ensure you follow the rules in your area. Size limits, placement restrictions, and lighting requirements are just a few things to remember.

Keep it clean: A dirty sign is a sad sign. Make sure to keep yours clean and looking its best, especially if it’s an outdoor sign subjected to dirt, debris, and other environmental factors.

In conclusion, making a top-notch sign in the US requires planning and attention to detail. By choosing the right materials, designing a snazzy and legible sign, printing with precision, mounting with care, following local regulations, and keeping it clean, you’ll have a sign that’s not only effective but also the envy of all your sign-making peers.

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Important Purpose of Traffic Signs

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Important Purpose of Traffic Signs

Why is signage important to the community in the united states? Traffic signs are not just for decoration. These serve a much more important purpose – keeping us safe on the roads.

Think about it: without traffic signs, the roads would be a chaotic mess of cars careening into each other left and right. Stop signs, yield signs, and traffic lights are the unsung heroes of the transportation world, helping to regulate traffic flow and prevent collisions.

But traffic signs do more than keep us from crashing into each other. They also provide valuable information to road warriors, letting us know how far we are from our destination, where the nearest gas station is, and whether or not we’ll be able to grab a quick bite to eat at the next rest stop.

And let’s remember those bright and shiny warning signs. These guys are the scouts of the road, alerting us to any potential hazards or detours up ahead. Construction zone signs, detour signs, animal crossing signs – they’ve got us covered.

Of course, there are many different types of traffic signs, each with its particular function. Regulatory signs tell us the rules we need to follow, like no parking or speed limit signs. Informational signs give us a lowdown on the road and its surroundings. Guide signs help us navigate to specific destinations. Important Purpose of Traffic Signs

But even with all these different types of traffic signs, there’s one thing they all have in common: they’re designed to be easily recognizable and easy to understand. In the US, the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) lays out the size, shape, color, and placement of traffic signs and the symbols and messages they should use.

So next time you’re out on the roads, give those traffic signs the respect they deserve. They’re doing their best to keep you safe and informed, so the least you can do is follow their rules.

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Many Purposes of Signage

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Signage is like the peanut butter to our jelly, the Netflix to our chill, the yin to our yang – it just makes everything better. But signage serves many vital purposes that can make our daily lives more accessible (or at least less confusing). What are 4 purposes of signage in the united states?

First and foremost, signage is the ultimate information hub. Wayfinding signs are like the Google Maps of the physical world, helping us navigate unfamiliar buildings and campuses without getting lost. Informational signs are like the Cliff Notes of a new destination, giving us the 411 on hours of operation and services offered.

But signage isn’t all about brains – it’s also about brawn. Safety signs serve as a visual warning system, alerting us to potential hazards and helping us avoid danger (because, let’s face it, we’re all a little clumsy from time to time). Warning signs are like the yellow caution tape of the natural world, while danger signs are like the “STAY BACK – ACTIVE VOLCANO” signs you see in movies.

But signage isn’t just practical – it can also be persuasive. Promotional signs are like real-world billboards, advertising products, and events to catch our attention and pique our interest. They can be as subtle as a banner ad or in-your-face as a mobile billboard (you know, those big truck things that follow you around and ruin your day).

In addition to these primary purposes, signage can also serve as a visual branding tool, helping businesses and organizations create a consistent and memorable identity. It can enhance the overall aesthetic of a space and make it feel more welcoming.

But let’s remember that all good things take effort. Effective signage requires careful planning and design to ensure it’s easy to understand and achieves its desired purpose. That means considering the needs and preferences of the target audience, as well as the signs’ location, visibility, and readability.

In short, signage is like the Swiss Army Knife of visual communication – versatile, practical, and always there when you need it. So next time you see a sign, take a moment to appreciate its various purposes and role in our daily lives.

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Friday, August 16, 2024

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

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10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business.

Lighting is an integral part of designing your home or business, and choosing the right lighted signs can be tricky. There are many types of lights, designed to do different things!

With so many ways to design with lighting, there’s no wrong way to use it. But just like with any other tool, some styles work better than others depending on the look you want to achieve.

This article will go over ten tips on how to pick out the perfect lit sign for your home or business. Some cost less than $10, while others may set you back more money, but they all bring about beautiful looks! Read on to learn everything from how to choose your material to how to layer them to get the most aesthetically pleasing results.

Make a list of your favorite brands of lighted signs

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

Now, you have to determine what kind of lighted sign you want to get. You can choose from backlit wall lights, panel lighting, table lamps, floor lamps, and even ceiling mounted fixtures.

You do not need special tools to install most types of lighted signs, but some require basic knowledge in electricity. For example, a toggle switch usually requires joining both wires together with a connector, then switching them out by pushing up on the handle.

There are many great resources available online and at local electronics stores that can help guide you through the process.

Consider the size of the lighted sign

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

The first thing to consider when choosing your final illuminated display is the size of the surface you will be using it on. This could be an entire wall, a shelf, or even just a table top!

You want to make sure that whatever surface you use for the display has enough room to show all of its features while also being able to hold up under heavy traffic. Most LED lights have usable surfaces around two feet wide so if your display does not, then choose smaller signs to fit onto narrower spaces.

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business. Remember that most people walking by this displayed item will take note of the decorations, not the light source, so keep the design simple but beautiful!

Blank walls are their own form of decoration so feel free to play with materials such as pictures, bright colors, or patterned rugs to add some depth to the space! If possible, test out your new lighting system in a less busy area before placing it where there’s more foot traffic.

Think about where you would put the sign

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

When it comes to choosing your lighted marquee, make sure that you know where this display will be located in relation to other things. For example, if it is being used as decoration for an event, then making it full-scale and impressive is fine!

If it is for use at night, consider how the light source of the display can be adjusted. This way you can easily control when it is on and off.

You do not need very bright lights unless the purpose of the display is to get attention. People will start giving weird looks if the signs are too flashy!

Make sure that the cords are concealed so that no one notices them. Also, check out different size displays and see which ones fit your space best.

Is it a distraction?

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

As mentioned before, color is one of the most important things to consider when choosing your lighted sign. The hue you pick for your logo will determine how well people perceive your business!

The average person can recognize about 100 colors. People are very sensitive to strong colors, so make sure yours aren’t too flashy. A good rule of thumb is to choose shades that are neutral. This includes white, gray, and various shades of brown and black.

You don’t want your customers to be distracted by bright colors as they walk away. What kind of company leaves out an essential part of their identity? You wouldn’t hang up a blank canvas would you? So why put something in place that isn’t representative of what you sell?

Another thing to check into is whether the lights actually work. Many companies spend lots of money buying these expensive decorations and they find out months later that they don’t. A lot of times they’re just too expensive to buy at first but then you realize there’s no power source included, etc. – Steve

This article was written by our friends at MightyAmp. MightyAmps have been around since 2002 and consist of some pretty cool gadgets.

Is it safety concerns?

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

While not everyone agrees on what colors look good, there is one clear winner when it comes to popular neutral shades – warm tones!

Why are they so popular? Because people love them! They like them because they feel comfortable. And in our increasingly lit-up world, that feeling is even more prevalent as most of us now have almost constant exposure to light.

So why should you consider investing in lights with color schemes? It’s for the same reason you should invest in any other piece of equipment – to make your life better!

By adding some illumination to parts of your home or business that need it, you can improve your overall quality of life by creating an atmosphere that makes you happy. Plus, research shows that brightening up a room helps reduce stress and depression.

And let’s be honest – whether we like it or not, illuminated signs help create a mood. When someone enters a house that has glowing white walls and carpet, for example, they will probably get the sense that something is going on — maybe a party, or at least lots of activity.

It also gives off a soft, welcoming glow which many people find comforting.

How will customers find the sign?

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

Having adequate business sign lighting can make a difference in how well your business functions. If you don’t have enough light, people won’t be able to see your signs or merchandise easily.

You want to make sure there are sufficient numbers of lights for nighttime use as well as during non-business hours.

During these times, you may want to add additional illumination such as fluorescent bulbs or LED sign panels. Use natural sunlight when possible but ensure that it doesn’t overexpose other areas of your property.

You don’t necessarily need lots of fancy features; simple low-intensity floodlights are all you really need to get going.

Do you have the space?

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

Having the right lighting can make or break your interior design dreams!

Whether it is to set the tone for an area, give people some insight into what areas of the house are, to emphasize something important, or just because you want to enjoy light-hearted entertaining with friends, having good led lighted decorations in your home or business is essential.

Having adequate light usually does not require a large amount of space, however, there are several ways to use lights to maximize their effectiveness.

Here are ten easy tips to consider when looking to purchase new lighted decorations or update current ones for maximum effect.

1. Use The Right Lights For The Area They’ll be Inhabiting

This may seem obvious, but unfortunately, many homeowners get this wrong. Most individuals place floor lamps next to a seating area or bed, for example, which works fine until you need to use the lamp for something else.

If the room has enough natural sunlight, using table lamps in those dark areas will help even out the brightness. If not, invest in wall mounted or track mounted lamps that can be tilted up to direct light where needed.

2. Track Lighting Is A More Versatile Solution

Track lighting allows you to easily control the intensity and shape of the light being cast, as well as how far away the bulbs are from each other. This makes it very versatile for different applications.

How much will the sign cost?

10 Tips On Choosing The Perfect Lighted Sign For Your Home Or Business

Even though lighted channel letter signs are expensive, you should not be worried about that fact!
As mentioned earlier, lighted outdoor signs can range in price very heavily depending on how many lights they have and what type of materials they use.

However, there is an easy way to stay within budget! By shopping around, you can find low-cost alternatives that give you the same look as the more expensive ones.

There are several companies that produce similar looking lighted products and even some that are cheaper than others. However, none of them compare to the quality of a VPI product.

VPI stands for Video Parabolic Illuminating Technology. This technology was incorporated into the design process of every one of our lighted products.

This means that not only do these products work effectively, but also that they last longer because of this technology.

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